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Muay Thai General Topics
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Muay Thai [#6] Muay Thai Ceremony
Posted on Friday, September 25, 2009
The Yok Kru is a ceremony in which students provide their master with offerings. Each master has individual style of Yok Kruu. For example, some may just require incense sticks and candles, while some also require money and other objects as an offering.

TAG: Muay Thai, Thai boxing, ceremony, rite, Wai Kru, Yok Kru

Muay Thai [#4] Amulet and Muay Thai
Posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Superstitious belief has long been existed in Thai society since the ancient time. The miracle power has influenced every walk of life and every sort of arts including arts of fighting or Muay Thai.

TAG: Muay Thai, Thai boxing, Amulet, arm hands, head band, band

Muay Thai [#3] Nai Khanom Tom
Posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nai Khanom Tom - The greatest legendary Muay Thai Hero

TAG: Nai Khanom Tom, Muay Thai, Thai boxing, hero, fighter

Muay Thai [#2] Muay Thai Massage
Posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Massage and its Benefits for Muay Thai fighters

TAG: Muay Thai, Thai boxing, Massage, fighter